The Latest Insights
from Rodrigues, Drum & Company
Saving for Education
Saving for EducationAs everyone knows, the cost of higher education goes up each...
What’s more important-saving for college or retirement?
What's more important-saving for college or retirement?A college education....
Know the facts about IPOs
Know the facts about IPOsDo you know anybody who’s tripled his money investing in...
Personal and Family Loans – Proceed with caution!
Personal and Family Loans – Proceed with caution!When your best friend views your...
Business Tax Tip
Business Tax TipKeep repairs separate from major improvements. Ordinary repairs and...
Take steps to build a better business
Take steps to build a better businessBusiness owners focus a lot of attention on...
Short sales and Debt Cancellation
Short sales and Debt CancellationIf your primary home is “short” sold or foreclosed...
Buyer Beware when buying coins!
Buyer Beware when buying coins!Buying rare and precious coins can be an exciting...