The Latest Insights
from Rodrigues, Drum & Company
Avoid Underpayment Penalties
Avoid Underpayment PenaltiesDon’t let penalties for underpaid taxes increase your...
Tax Planning Begins Now!
Tax Planning Begins Now!Now that the end of the year is approaching, be sure to...
Flexible Spending Account Changes
Flexible Spending Account ChangesFlexible spending accounts (FSAs) are popular with...
More on SIMPLE Plans
More on SIMPLE PlansSIMPLEs (Savings Incentive Match Plans for Employees) are...
Have you considered a SIMPLE plan for your business?
Have you considered a SIMPLE plan for your business?Many sole proprietors and small...
How to succeed in a new business
How to succeed in a new businessIf the current job market has you thinking about...
Tax Amnesty in Rhode Island
Tax Amnesty in Rhode IslandRhode Island has just announced a new Tax Amnesty...
IRS eases reporting requirement for small businesses
IRS eases reporting requirement for small businessesThe “Affordable Care Act of...
New Engagements being accepted
New Engagements being acceptedWe are accepting new engagements in the following...