Know the facts about IPOs

Know the facts about IPOs

Know the facts about IPOs  Do you know anybody who’s tripled his money investing in the IPO (initial public offering) of a hotshot new company? It can happen. And many investors thought the recent Facebook IPO was a way to quick riches. Yet the truth is, most...
Personal and Family Loans – Proceed with caution!

Personal and Family Loans – Proceed with caution!

Personal and Family Loans – Proceed with caution!  When your best friend views your nest egg as a source of start-up funds for his latest business venture, or your nephew hits you up for a car loan, your first impulse may be to reach into your bank account to help....
Business Tax Tip

Business Tax Tip

Business Tax Tip  Keep repairs separate from major improvements. Ordinary repairs and maintenance on business equipment and buildings are deductible business expenses. Improvements which materially add to the value of the property or significantly prolong its useful...
Take steps to build a better business

Take steps to build a better business

Take steps to build a better business  Business owners focus a lot of attention on building better products. When their products are hot, the company does well, despite other shortcomings. Certainly, new and better products are essential, but focusing on building a...
Short sales and Debt Cancellation

Short sales and Debt Cancellation

Short sales and Debt Cancellation  If your primary home is “short” sold or foreclosed and the lender receives less than the total amount of the outstanding loan, you can also expect that amount of debt cancellation to be reported to you and the IRS. But special rules...